What Einstein Would Say If He Were Alive Today

by | Apr 18, 2024 | Original Essay

Albert Einstein revolutionized our understanding of the universe and left an enduring legacy as a profound thinker on politics, society, and ethics. He died sixty-nine years ago on April 18th, 1955.

If Einstein were alive to comment on the state of the world today, he would likely offer the following insights.

On Global Politics and Society

Einstein would be concerned about the resurgence of nationalist movements, the erosion of democratic norms, and the persistence of authoritarian regimes. He famously said, “Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.”

A pacifist at heart, Einstein advocated for a supranational organization that could prevent war. He would express his deep concern with ongoing conflicts and the refugee crises they spawn. He would likely criticize the global community’s failure to learn from the past and argue for diplomacy and international cooperation.

Einstein’s skepticism about nationalism and militarism would likely lead him to critique policies exacerbating the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Given his historical support for a binational solution, Einstein would advocate for renewed efforts that respect the rights and aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians. Einstein would condemn violence targeting non-combatants, consistent with his broader pacifist leanings and his ethical stance on conflict resolution. He would argue for approaches that address the root causes of the conflict and seek to bring about peace through understanding and negotiation rather than through violence and coercion.

Einstein would undoubtedly be vocal about the humanitarian crisis in the region, particularly the impact of the conflict on civilians, including issues related to displacement, access to essential services, and human rights violations. His legacy as a humanitarian and an advocate for civil rights would compel him to speak out against any actions that harm civilian populations and call for international intervention to safeguard human rights. He said, “Striving for social justice is the most valuable thing to do in life.”

On Climate Change and Environmental Issues

Einstein’s love for nature and his philosophical views on human relationships with their environment would deeply color his views on today’s ecological crises. Witnessing climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution challenges, he would likely advocate for sustainable practices. Einstein once emphasized the need to experience the universe as a single coherent whole, and he would view the environmental crises as dire threats to the balance of this whole. His advocacy would probably include support for renewable energy technologies and international agreements that aim to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

On Science and Technology

Einstein’s contributions to science—most famously, the theory of relativity—have paved the way for monumental shifts in the scientific landscape. Today’s technological advancements, such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and space exploration, are built on foundational principles that Einstein helped establish. He would marvel at how his photons and energy quanta theories have contributed to developing technologies such as lasers and GPS systems.

However, Einstein might express concern about the ethical dimensions of scientific progress. Known for his reflections on the responsibilities of scientists, Einstein famously remarked after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” This cautionary perspective would likely extend to contemporary issues such as gene editing, artificial intelligence, and the environmental impacts of technological advancements. Einstein would advocate for a world where scientific progress does not outpace moral progress.


Albert Einstein was deeply concerned with ethical governance, peaceful coexistence, and the moral responsibilities of societies and individuals. If he were alive today to comment on the state of the world, he would advocate for international peace, upholding human rights, and protecting the natural world. His voice would be a powerful reminder of the responsibilities that come with knowledge and the urgent need to work towards a just and sustainable world.


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