Time and Light

Light Clocks in Stationary and Moving Frames of Reference Albert Einstein based his special theory of relativity on the concept that the speed of light is a universal constant. The invariance of light’s speed led him to conclude that time varies depending on one’s...

Einstein’s Time

Albert Einstein radically changed our understanding of time. His theory of relativity replaced Newton’s concept of time as universal and constant. Einstein proposed that time is a dynamic and malleable physical dimension rather than a backdrop against which events...

Einstein’s Music

Albert Einstein, one of history’s most celebrated scientific minds, was passionate about music. His love for music, particularly the violin, was more than just a hobby; it was a fundamental component of his creative and intellectual processes. Einstein’s...

Einstein’s Pathways to His Theories

Albert Einstein wrote several reflective pieces on the pathways that led to his theories, including his seminal works on the theory of relativity. Einstein discusses this journey most thoroughly in the essay “Autobiographical Notes”, published in 1949 in...