A Special Albert Einstein Biography

by | Oct 19, 2022 | Albert Einstein Biography

Einstein: The Man and His Mind is no ordinary Albert Einstein biography. It is an exceptionally beautiful, large coffee-table book featuring previously unpublished signed photographs, letters, work documents, and original publications of the great man. The photo images of Einstein from age 16 to the end of his life convey the feeling of knowing him as a real living man. The images’ commentaries summarize Einstein’s contributions and provide insight into his creative mind.

The book’s cover, a full-size photo of Einstein by the American photographer Fred Stein, commands one’s attention. It is a harbinger of what is inside.

“In 1946, when Albert Einstein was in residence at Princeton University, Fred Stein was granted ten minutes of the great man’s time to take a portrait. After the time was up, Einstein’s secretary came in to usher Stein out. However, Einstein insisted that he stay, saying that their discussion was too interesting to cut short. The secretary came back repeatedly, but the visit extended to two hours. The resulting portrait by Fred Stein pictures a deep intelligence engaged in thought. It became an iconic image, and one of the most famous photographs ever taken of Albert Einstein.” (Excerpt from Einstein: The Man and His Mind, page 150.)

Even before opening the book, its textured cover and heavy weight make one aware of the exceptional quality of this Einstein biography. The interior images, printed on photographic-quality paper spot covered with varnish, reproduce the original photos as accurately as possible.

The book starts with the earliest signed Einstein photograph known to exist. It was likely taken when he was seventeen years old to commemorate his graduation from the cantonal school of Aarau, Switzerland. The following photographs cover his life through to the last known photo that Einstein signed just a few months before his death. Readers see the young Einstein mature into a stately and handsome middle-aged man. His later years’ photos convey the images that come to most people’s minds when they think of Albert Einstein.

According to the publisher, such a high degree of image reproduction and artistic design would have priced the book out of reach for almost everyone at $240. But with the financial support of two private foundations, the retail price was brought down to $70, and it is even available at further discounted prices by some book vendors. Keeping the cost as low as possible was a priority consideration since the intent was to make the book widely available to the general public and not just to libraries or academic institutions.